My sweet sister made her way (bravely by herself and her three boys) back to Alabama. Sad for me and my family, but a happy thing for her and her hubby. To be away from my husband for a month would be so difficult!! So....thank you Kit, I loved spending time with your family!!
I decided that Lib leaving is still too sad to post, but I had to say that we had a great time. We went to the Zoo, Leonardo's Discovery, Mack graduated, Grey had his 4th birthday (another post I have to catch up on!), the Cushing pool (love it!!), and just had a blast being together. It is so much to write, and so I decided that I would just say, DITTO!! My sis posted about it and so I thought that I would refer you to her post to get a little bit more detail. I had a great time and it was so sad to see one of my very bestest friends leave. I was talking to Lib the day after she got home and I said, it's not fair that I always have to say good-bye to one of my very best friends. Best friends are supposed to share life together, and I guess we do, mostly, just over the phone. :) Anyway, I love you Lib!
On a different note, I thought that I would share what my family and I did this morning. A soldier from Stillwater died recently and his funeral was today. He was 41 and left his wife and two sons. The community asked our church to help hold American flags while the procession drove to the cemetary. As far I understand it, the First Ward held flags at the funeral home and my ward was responsible for the flags at the cemetary. Phillip and I decided that it would be a good thing for us to do, and to help Cooper and Greyson understand what a high price that some people pay for our freedom. We went to the cemetary and Phillip and I each got a flag and later Cooper decided that he also wanted to hold his own flag. We let him, and for the most part, did a fantastic job. It really made an impact on me when I saw the procession drive by and the casket covered with the American flag. I am truly proud to be an American, I know it sounds cliche, but I really am. I am grateful that I live in a country that allows me all of the freedoms and luxeries that I enjoy. I am especially grateful for the men and women that fight for that freedom and the very high price that they and their families pay. So, especially in light of today's events, thank you to anyone that helps me and my family live the life that I get to enjoy, thank you.
Not a great start to the year...
1 hour ago
Yeah!!! I am glad you are posting again! It is soo sad to be away from sisters! I wish I lived closer to mine. We do talk on the phone every day, but it is sad we can't see eachother more often. I feel so bad for the family of the soldier that died. I am glad you were able to take your kids and let them experience what "freedom" truely means.
I totally get what you mean about sisters! I talk to Stephanie at least once a day, if not 3 or 4 times. She just came to visit for 5 days and it's sad to see her go. I feel sad for people that don't have sisters.
Thank you for your sweet words. I also appreciated your family's service for the fallen soldier. How true your words are. We truly are blessed to live in this country. I am so very thankful for the men and women who sacrafice so I and my family can be fee. I am thankful, too, that these same people are willing to serve so others can taste a part of our freedom. It is such a wonderful thing to impart into your kids. Kuddos for even trying. Tell Coop Auntie is so proud of him! Tell all the chillins Auntie and their cousins miss them tons!!! Hugs and kisses are flying your way!!!
I completely understand what it means to be away from family - how nice that you can see Lib so often! What a neat experience with the funeral. We live near such a HUGE base, it makes things seem more real seeing all the fighter planes and knowing families who have family members fighting overseas. I feel so blessed to live in this great country. Thank you for your post.
I know, it's a total bummer everytime Lib leaves. On the other hand, it's nice having a sister near me permanently for the time being!
I'm so impressed that you guys went and held the flags for the fallen soldier. I didn't know anything about it (not sure how I missed that memo...). Good for you-I'm sure it taught your boys such an amazing lesson!'s been soo long. I'm glad you are back in action!!! I've checked your page like I bet having Liberty here for a good stint was wonderful. keep us posted.
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