Today my baby decided he just wasn't a baby anymore. I've been recently noticing indications of that. Such as, he has decided to use the phrase "that's just a figure of speech, Mom", what?!! Where did he pick that up? And, he doen't fit the same way in my arms as he used to...he's, I guess, just gotten bigger. He's reading and likes to leave messages on the phone...I'm still nervous when I hear somebody's answering machine click on. He will go around and pick up toys and make beds...even when he's not asked and today...he lost his first tooth. Normally a person wouldn't get all misty about a tooth falling out, but it signifies to me that my little boy just isn't little anymore. He's going to go to 1st grade...I remember 1st grade. How can my little boy be going to 1st grade when I remember going like it was yesterday? So, today we say good-bye. Good-bye to a little piece of my baby and hello to a bigger and just as wonderful Cooper.
We are also saying hello to little teethies in my little Ella's mouth!! She has sprouted two on the bottom and they have fully grown in and she cut one on top and is about to cut the other. This has been fun to watch, as we haven't had a baby in our home for nearly three years. It has been so fun watching her sweet personality develop. We are all very excited to see what she looks like with all four teeth. So, if you look at the picture, you'll be able to see us saying good-bye and hello, hello, hello.
OK Misc
6 hours ago
ha ha ha! I love what Cooper said - so cute! It's amazing what they said. Anna called her friend's house the other day and promptly asked if her friend "was available" to come over to play! I didn't even know that they she knew the word "available". What fun our kids are! That picture is so adorable...your kids are too cute! :o)
What a sweet picture! I know what you mean about the milestones that signify that your kids are growing up. It's sad and happy all at once!
I remember when JEFFREY started first grade and now he's going into 8th! It is so crazy how life just goes in super fast speed once your kids reach a certain age. Seriously. Andrew was only 3 when we moved here and now he's 8! Cooper was just a baby. I remember when your other two were born. I don't like seeing them get older. I really don't but at the same time there's so much to enjoy at each stage and each stage is different for each child....and let Cooper make the beds. He might not do that for too much longer. :)
Wow lots of new changes in the family- growing teeth and loosing them. How fun! Isn't is amazing how kids pick up the darndest sayings. They are so funny that way.
He IS such a big boy! He's always make sure to look out for the little ones and follos them around acting all "parental" ;). Little Miss Ella's new teeth are so exciting too. It'll definitely help her eat all that food she loves so much!
I guess kids grow up so fast and you have to enjoy every moment you get. Your little girl is so adorable. I love her chubby cheeks. I really like your new background to.
We're still waiting for the good-bye stage, but I think it's better than the hello stage with the fevers and drooling and sadness. That is crazy. My oldest is going to kindergarten and has apologized for growing up so fast! Enjoy your time while they are in school. I'm looking forward to it!
He's getting so big! He so cute, too! Tell Coop his auntie loves him! ISn't life funny how quickly time flies and at others just seem to be as slow as molasses!
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