Well, we were off to "Sesame Street Live" tonight. We gave the boys tickets for Christmas and then they moved the date 'till tonight. So, it has been long wait.
We were nearly to Guthrie when Cooper started itching his face. Actually, a side note before I get too far...Cooper came home from school today w/ a bit of a fever and headache. So, I gave him some Tylanol and Motrin to kick it so he could enjoy the night.
Anyway, we were off and nearly to Guthrie when Cooper started to itch. His throat and face were itching and he was rubbing his face. Then he decided that his mouth was itching. I told Cooper, which I now really regret, that your mouth (his gums) can't itch. We pulled over in Guthrie to get Subways and I ran it to grab them. When I came out Phillip was on the phone w/ my dad getting his advice on Cooper...whose lips were now nearly 2-3 times their normal size and his eyes were swollen w/ hives. I nearly lost it. I couldn't believe my eyes. More poor little boy was so swollen. The only thing we could figure could have caused this was the Tylanol and Motrin, but we are still unsure what caused the reaction. Phillip quickly got off the phone to let me know what happened. I guess while I was in Subway Cooper quickly started to swell. Phillip and I decided that we needed to rush Cooper to te nearest ER. So, we headed a bit more down south to Edmond. We checked him into Edmond Memorial Hospital and they took him back shortly. They were all great w/ my kids. Thankfully, Phillip had packed the Leapster and LeapPad. It was very helpful for Greyson who wanted to "explore" the ER...not a great idea. Shortly after Cooper was admitted they told us that Cooper would need a IV to get Epi meds right in him. If you know Cooper....he HATES needles. He freaks. Well, I tried to prep Cooper and let him know what was going to happen and he decided to crawl the walls and freak out. Thankfully, the nurse calmed him down and he actually did quite well. It was so sad though, they had to stick him a couple of times, but he really did fantastically...considering. After all the meds they gave him , his swelling finally came down a bit, which was the direction they were looking for. The whole time we were waiting the boys were watching the clock hoping to get to "Elmo". There really was no way. So, Phillip was on the phone trying to get the tickets moved to tomorrow. Long story short, no luck. So, we will either have to purchase the tickets...again, at a higher price or wait until they come back around. Jury is still out on that one.
Anyway, when they were finally checking us out, the nurse gave me the prescriptions and was letting me know what to do. She said with Coop's reaction we probably needed to take him to an alergist to see what caused his reaction. (sound familiar, Whit?) She also told us with the severity of reaction I probably needed to carry an Epi pen. I was surprised at that. So, I guess the next step will be to get a referral to an allergist from his ped. Then we will go from there.
Cooper is doing fine now, we are extremely grateful for that. "Elmo Live" here we come....almost. Maybe next time.
Not a great start to the year...
1 hour ago
Poor Coop. How weird to have a reaction now that he's 6. You'd think it would have shown up before now.
By the way, isn't it so funny that you had the classic mom reaction - "Your gums can't itch!" I think all moms say that kind of stuff. My classic line is, "Oh, it's does hurt - it's not bleeding!"
Man that is some luck! I guess you guys just aren't supposed to be at the show! ;) Hopefully next time it will go smoothly! I'm glad you wrote on my page, I love it when I get to add more bloggers!
What's an epi pen? Poor little guy - and poor YOU! You have this fantastic evening planned, that must have been hard on you all. I hope you can figure out the cause for the swelling...
Poor little man! Give him loves from his Auntie! What a bummer at missing his show!
Hi, Steph.
Finally I am commenting on your post. I am so greatful for you and your loving concern for our kids. You were a star yesterday. I am so proud of you. Sorry boys about Elmo. I think I was as excited as you were. Next time Elmo is here we will be there. You guys are my world. I love you
Poor guy! That's no fun at all! Hopefully this a one-time deal. The doctors at the allergy clinic are nice though and if you get your blood drawn, they'll give you a little toy and a sticker. You didn't hear it from me, though;);).
I love your renamer! Kind of fun, but names like Zephyr and Hilde don't fit me as well, you know?
Poor Cooper! When are you going to the allergist?
I drive a Civic Hybrid. It's my second one, I had the 2005 and I wanted/needed navigation so I traded it in for the 2007.
Oh, how sad... sounds like a nightmare. So was it the Tylenol and Motrin, or did he eat something else that he was allergic to?
Poor guy! I was lucky to learn of Daniel's gluten allergy through an elimination diet - so no needles.
Hope you get it figured out soon.
Okay that is really scarey!! I am glad he is doing better...I hope you can figure out what caused the reaction. You will have to keep us posted on that one.
Well, I don't know how I ended up here (sleepless night @ the fire station)It's only been 8-9 yrs. since I have heard anything about you, glad to read things going well for you and your family steph.
Take Care,
Happy Birthday Steph!!
I'll update my blog if you do...
Now you have no excuse. So there:P
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